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Septic Tank

A septic tank is a key component of a bio-toilet system. It is a watertight underground container that collects and treats wastewater from homes and buildings that are not connected to a municipal sewer system. The septic tank receives wastewater from the toilet, shower, sink, and other plumbing fixtures, and separates the solids and liquids.

Inside the septic tank, bacteria break down the solid waste, turning it into sludge and scum, while the liquids flow out into the drain field or soakaway system for further treatment. Regular maintenance of the septic tank is necessary to ensure its proper functioning and prevent clogging or overflowing.

Septic tanks are commonly used in rural areas, where a centralized sewer system is not available, and are also used in urban areas for individual homes, commercial buildings, and industrial sites. They are an important part of bio-toilet systems, which are environmentally friendly and sustainable alternatives to traditional flush toilets that require large amounts of water and are connected to centralized wastewater treatment facilities.

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